Gencraft Tutorials

Generating images and videos

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  1. Step 1: Enter Your Prompt
  2. Step 2: Select a Style
  3. Step 3: Select a Model (Advanced)
  4. Step 4: Enter a Negative Prompt (Advanced)
  5. Step 5: Generate!

Let’s begin using text to create images, art, and videos together!

To get started, open Gencraft at or on the iOS/Android app. At the top of the generate page, you can choose whether or not you would like to create an image or a video.

Step 1: Enter Your Prompt

Enter a prompt that you would like to see become generated into two unique images or one 2-second video. It can be as short or as long as you like, though the more specific you can get the more the result will align with what you’re envisioning.

If you don’t have a specific prompt in mind, you can click “surprise me” to see a random prompt. You can use this prompt as-is, or you can use it as a starting point and edit it as much as you want before generating.

If you want help coming up with a prompt, you can use our Enhance Prompt feature to turn your prompt into something longer and more detailed. You can also add emphasis to certain words or phrases in your prompt by using parenthesis. For more information on both of these features and tips for prompt writing, see our prompt guide here.

The prompt box on Gencraft's "Generate" page
The prompt box on Gencraft’s “Generate” page.
Step 2: Select a Style

Before submitting your prompt, you can choose to apply an image style to your creation. This is an optional step, but offers a useful alternative to including an “in the style of [STYLE]” section within your text prompt.

If you do choose to use a style, we have 31 styles to select from. To see all available styles, click the arrow next to “No style”.

A screenshot of the Gencraft UI. The menu displaying all 31 style options is open.
All 31 styles are shown on the right.

To show how styles influence your end result, here is the same prompt shown in four different styles: Cartoon, 3D, Anime, and Ink.

This image shows the prompt "Bedroom with lots of plants, pictures on wall" with all four styles: Cartoon, 3D, Anime, and Ink.
The same prompt shown in each style.
Step 3: Select a Model (Advanced)

We also offer users the choice between two different models to use when creating your generators. The first, our Default model, is good for just about anything. It generates impressive results even with prompts that are only a few words long. More experienced users can also play around with our Advanced model. To read more about each of these models and how to decide which to use, see our guide to choosing a model.

Step 4: Enter a Negative Prompt (Advanced)

You’ve described what you want to see in your result, but what about what you don’t want in your result? This optional step allows you to get even more specific about what you want your final creation to look like by specifying anything that you want to exclude from your image. Read more about negative prompts here.

Step 5: Generate!

Hit the “Generate” button on the bottom left of your screen. You’ll probably have to wait a bit, during which time we’ll display a few prompts from other creators for some inspiration.

When your creation is ready, it will appear on the right side of the screen. You will get two different images for each prompt submission and can toggle between them with the arrows on either side of the image. 

Click the "Download HD" button below the image to save it.
Click the “Download HD” button below the image to save it.

If there are changes you want to make to your creation, you can use our Magic Edit feature to regenerate certain subsections of the image. Learn more about this process in our guide to Magic Edit.

Go to the bottom right “Download HD” button to download your creations in HD (1024 x 1024). If you’re a premium subscription user, you can also download your images in 4k (4096 x 4096).

You can also take advantage of Gencraft’s social features and publish your creations to your user profile for the world to see.

That brings us to the end of our tutorial! We hope this helped you to get started exploring Gencraft and its endless creative possibilities. Check out our other step-by-step guides, and feel free to contact us at if you have any questions we didn’t answer.

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